The Association for Catechumenal Ministry

As you begin your journey as a Catechetical Leader, you can have the confidence that our community of church leaders and lay people will be with you every step of the way. You will receive training, resources, and support to fully lead others to communion with Christ through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults.
Catechetical Leaders desiring to implement OCIA faithfully and comprehensively no longer have to do it alone. You will be provided with ongoing support beyond a workbook or video series, so you can confidently accompany participants on their own conversion journey.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
–Matthew 28:19-20
Help participants to encounter God in a life-changing way through the rites.
Evangelize and catechize better by forming the minds and hearts of participants.
Gain the trust of your participants to help them experience a deeper conversion.
Our Story:
In 1998, a group of bishops, priests, and laity saw a need within the Catholic Church for greater support and more effective resources for Catechumenal Leaders as they take on the great role of leading others through the OCIA process. We formed the Association of Catechumenal Ministry as a nonprofit to fulfill this need. Ever since then, the community of educators has grown throughout the U.S. We have guided many parishes and dioceses to successfully and confidently lead others into full communion with Christ through the catechumenal process.
We focus on fostering a full understanding of the complexities and beauties of the Catholic Church. We recognize that when teaching about the Church, it is not only catechetical, but also pastoral and liturgical. We provide training seminars, workshops, videos, articles, books, and one-on-one consultations to help you through each aspect of the OCIA process. Our goal is to give you the confidence and understanding to transform the lives of your candidates and catechumens. Join our community of educated and passionately faithful CLs so we can continue to spread the beauty of the Catholic faith to others.

Our Values
Catechetical Leaders deserve a community to support them through the beautiful complexities of the Catholic Church and effectively evangelize to their Catechumens and Candidates. We are committed to supporting you with clarity and understanding because we have been where you are.
“Christians of the first centuries said, ‘The world was created for the sake of the Church.’ God created the world for the sake of communion with his divine life [...].”
–Catechism of the Catholic Church # 760
Our Culture
At ACM, we understand the overwhelming feeling when you are trying to understand the labyrinth of confusing terminology, liturgical rites, and catechesis. When guiding others through the OCIA process, we want you, your catechumens, and candidates to be able to grow and understand the faith to the fullest. This is done through building a community of evangelizers who have a solid foundation to then help others grow. We hope that you, as Catechetical Leaders, will use this as an opportunity to relive your own sense of joy, wonder, and discovery in the faith and then be able to share that with those in your parish. Our resources, training seminars, and workshops are developed uniquely to guide you each step of the OCIA journey.
“Although you have not seen him, you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of [your] faith, the salvation of your souls”
–1 Peter 1:8-9
Our Leadership

Board of Directors
Mr. Gary Norris
Executive Director
Mrs. Patricia Norris
Director of Seminars, Training and Publications
Dr. Walter Bechtell
Director Web Assistant/Services
Mr. Brad Beckman
Director of Finance
Archbishop Joseph Augustine J. Dinoia
Secretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Rev. Benedict Croell O.P.
St. Joseph Province Dominicans
Ms. Gloria Zapian
Cabinet Secretary for Catholic Formation for the Diocese of Manchester